2024 Black in STEM


Sharleen Banatte.

Sharleen Banatte


Major and Degree Pursued: Biology, B.S. (Neuroscience option)

Prospective Graduation Year: 2024

Current Position: Project Manager, Pitch Exploration Lab

Connect: LinkedIn | Email


What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

As a Black woman, I well understand the impact of the lack of representation in science and medicine of minority populations. Because of this, I would not only like to serve those who historically have not been properly tended to but also to be an example to people like me, stating that you can be whoever or whatever you dream to be, despite what the world may think of you.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is a month comprised of celebration, hope, and joy with the ever-present reminder of where we have been and how far we must and will go.